tbh I think it is sufficient for "most general" to go with just a decent mod
A decent stable mod & by that I mean one that is quite accurate
and stable as it stands uo OK on desk when mounting coil etc...
than falls over like a drunk in a kebab shop @ 2:00am
I think it is more important to have decent wire/coil winding kit AND
perfect your own technique of course....
Making a nice coil, neatly and installing it correctly and neatly (no wonky shorts)
then your coils should be fairly constant, with no shorts if installed properly
(no long leads touching, coil positioned just right, check chimney, blah blah blah)
I think a ohm testers are one of them things you THINK you need
(coz YouTuber's all use them)
But personally I've never used mine
The odd time readings have fluctuated is down to stuff like mod/tank not compatible
or loose pin/510/battery, more than other factors in coil itself
(some of which the tab master would have said yup, but mod said fuck off no atomiser)
Don't get me wrong - if you use them and you like building with them - great
personally I think for majority of cases they are not a real MUST HAVE imho
get other fairly decent stuff/tools and if built (and assembled) carefully
you should not really need them (imho for most "general" builds)