From what I understand, charging unattended, charging overnight, and leaving batteries on charge after they're full, when using an intellicharger and reputable batteries, really comes down to trust. Do you have absolute faith that your charger will cut flow to the batteries once they're done? Do you have faith that if something goes wrong you or somebody else will be near enough to react before it gets out of control?
Using a Nitecore or XTar charger and decent batteries reduces the risk of things going wrong, but it can't eliminate the risk entirely. I bought an i4 and I use EFest, AW and Torchy batteries, because I want to minimise my chances of getting into trouble with them. Even with all of these, I don't leave them charging unattended, I don't charge them overnight, and if they finish charging I take them out and put them in plastic cases.
I have my batteries charging in my cabin, which has class A-60 bulkheads and door. If a fire breaks out in here and I get out and close the door, that fire will not progress beyond my cabin for at least 60 minutes. Outside my cabin there are two fire extinguishers: one foam, and one dry powder. It takes us less than six minutes to get our fire teams dressed and mobilised. Despite all this I don't leave my batteries charging unattended.
I certainly don't expect my batteries to explode or my charger to catch fire, and I'm confident that if I forget I have batteries charging and leave my cabin for half an hour then nothing will go wrong, but why take the chance? Convenience is the only benefit of leaving them unattended, and as far as I'm concerned it's not really worth the risk.