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Old timer....

I started with something similar 2 years ago, used it for 4 months then moved on to a zlide tank for awile then rebuildables.
less than a week getting first rta I had ordered a second.
if you did want something bigger (or even a small 16/18 mm rta) then I think you will get on well with a mtl rta if you are already rewicking your carts.
I started with something similar 2 years ago, used it for 4 months then moved on to a zlide tank for awile then rebuildables.
less than a week getting first rta I had ordered a second.
if you did want something bigger (or even a small 16/18 mm rta) then I think you will get on well with a mtl rta if you are already rewicking your carts.
Is it one of those carts thats full of cotton and u just fill the cotton with juice when it starts to dry up?

i was thinking an rda or squonk would be more similar if it is
Been vaping for many years now, I was recently introduced to new 'tech', mesh, ohms, wattage...what a headache!
A lot to learn, and it looks like I found a gold mine of info here ;-)

Below is my 'high tech' gear from days gone by. Older vapers MIGHT recognize this, youngsters will have a good laugh, but believe me, this little 'carto/atomizer' is now almost 7 years old. I clean it, rewick it, talk to it lovingly and in return I get a great vape...all at 1.6Ohms!

But, it's my last one :-( and as such I have to move with times and so that's how I ended here.
I remember those - I probably still have bits of old carto lurking somewhere. :D

Been a while since ........ in that time I've dropped all the way to 1.4 ohms. ;)

Welcome. :)
Ill make a sep thread
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I remember those infact pretty much what i used first time round. I still have the Battery somewhere, think they were call ego or something similar. Anywho's Welcome to the Planet @Cyman404 .
Hello & Welcome Minion.jpg
Welcome to the forum... that is some old school kit you have there.. I bet you've saved some serious cash with that kit. I'm sure you'll find something to suit you.. the biggest problem is there is too much choice and it gets bewildering. Luckily you've found a great place for impartial advice.
Thank you all for a warm welcome. Much appreaciated.

Love reading all the reviews and comments. Like I said, this forum is a goldmine of information, advise and opinions.


P.S. My wife just called me 'Vape monkey' from the Planet of the Vapes! :rotflmao:
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