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On your tobacco quit journey...

Been thinking about my...er...journey.
I quit smoking for eight or so years quite awhile ago...so I don't consider myself out of the woods yet. BUT.. that was cold turkey and I was susceptible to going back. Now I have a replacement, bolstered by the fact that this vape lark tastes way better than most any cigarette I've had ( a few notable exceptions: Gitanes, Lark, original Camels). Plus, I got toys! :D

So, I'm hopeful... we'll see in seven or so years!
2 years 6 months 3 weeks I found it very easy to quit using vape, money was the big motivator for me not health, but killed 2 birds with one stone.
mine will be 4 years in november this year i no its still away to go yet till my 4 years but i feel iam clean now of the stinky sticks as i love to vape to much good luck to all who are still on the journey stick with it it does get better..
4 and a bit years. I still get the odd craving for a fag, but I've got used to ignoring the cravings, and they come much further apart now.
When I first stopped it was 8 or 9 times a day.
Now, after 4 years, I get a "flashback" of wanting a fag every couple of months, for about 30 seconds.
I did have to work hard (and Vape hard) when I first quit in order to control the cravings, but I didn't find them unbearable, more of a challenge.
Around 3 years Vaping now. Never an urge to pick up a cigarette but did smoke on holiday as didn’t really want to take my vape stuff to Dominican but was very easy to go straight back to vaping.
Umm 7 months ish now. Finished off a pouch and decided not to buy any more. Had a ce4 and some cheap juice from home bargains to get started waiting in a drawer and havent looked back.

Nice one on the 6 days! Well done.
I am 56 days in but it seems longer. Once you get over a week or two then you will start feeling better for not smoking. Plus you will then start smelling other smokers and the smell does put you off them which also helps. Keep going and if you do feel like having a stinky come back on here so everybody can support you and keep you on the straight and narrow.
Well, I'm on a week now and my lungs are really sore. Is this a symptom of quitting smoking or or vaping a lot, do you think?
Well, I'm on a week now and my lungs are really sore. Is this a symptom of quitting smoking or or vaping a lot, do you think?

Probably just your lungs clearing all the shit out. I am I've been coughing like mad for the past couple of days.
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