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On your tobacco quit journey...

Well it's only 2 days for me,and I cant wait till I cough my guts up.it's the finding of a similar tasting tobacco juice to my old brand of smokes the hardest thing.
Well it's only 2 days for me,and I cant wait till I cough my guts up.it's the finding of a similar tasting tobacco juice to my old brand of smokes the hardest thing.

I'e gone total opposite. I smoked nasty amber leaf for ages cos I am too skint to buy my usual brand. I'm vaping dessert flavours.
I fell on my feet with the silver blend I vape, not that far away from the BH Silver stinkies I used to have.
Please don't tell me your usual brand was L&B, @CeeMee. We'll have a falling out. Disgusting cigarette...I'd rather have eaten soiled socks... :D

Gerald - get used to it: in all probability there is no e-liquid that exactly replicates your former brand...so much more to enjoy than merely duplicating a burning, tar-laden tube of chemicals - with a bit of leaf thrown in. I know you probably smoked roll-ups, but....still....
Please don't tell me your usual brand was L&B, @CeeMee. We'll have a falling out. Disgusting cigarette...I'd rather have eaten soiled socks... :D

Marlboro Touch. I only smoked L&B when I was skint (but less skint than I am currently :/ )
Mayfair and Richmond are both miles worse than L&B, and don't get me started on Royals...
My absolute favourites were weird skinny Chinese cigs with gold filters that I used to "borrow" from the chef at my old work.
I never ventured into the murky, wet bedsock budget brands, thankfully.

Reds were my last...too difficult to get my preferred other brands... never heard of Touch. What dey?

Tho perhaps even talking about this is not...appropriate....given our surroundings, lol. My apologies.
Jes' curious :)
For a long time I’ve noticed the smell from cheap fags like mayfair, royals etc., is much worse. They really stink a room out,
On the one hand @steviebee yeah, it's an inappropriate forum for such talk, on the other hand, I strongly doubt anyone here would be tempted by talk of stinkies. They are pretty nasty lol
Heh, not too worried about temptation on this Planet! Far too many shiny, shiny toys, arcane mysteries and outright deliciousness here...
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