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Orieco Storm RDA

Well i got mine. Pleasant surprise because i'd forgotten about it. Looks very nice i must say.

The Orieco gets my vote for the bargain of the year.
Great flavour + great vapour
Dont hate me but the flavour is better than the Origen IMHO

Waiting for the Origen v2 now :D
4 attempts so far for me & still no good. Fiddly little bugger !... Gonna try again. Fecking thing is soo damn pissy.
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Any idea when these will go back in stock? Didn't realise they'd go so quickly!
Yeah i must be missing a trick because after 5 different experiments i'm on 2x 9 wraps of .28 kanthal wire, micro coils @ 1.3 ohm & it's just not right. Harsh. Each build i tried so far, the coils are very slow heating even on a freshly charged battery. I'm either not finding the right build for it or... Dunno.
I also found that it's a fiddly one, the lip around the well gets in the way when trying to tuck the wire under the neg screws.Oh, such fun..Not !

Any suggestions would be helpful. Hahahahaha Bonk !

I'm 50/50 in this one so far.
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just got home and mines here too. not had chance to build it yet but do like the look of it and though i can see its gonna be vertical coil job i reckon some nano dragon coils would work well in this . tomorrow will be the day to play.
and a pic on the chi just to show how it looks on there with my drip tip

Got mine this morning and it is a good looking bit of kit!
I have to realise that these things are small, and even smaller in my great mitts!
Sounds like your coils are to close to the juice wells making it harder to get up to temperature try raising them a few mm and see if this helps.
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