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Out of date juices?

Deaf Vaper

Mar 1, 2018
Hi folks,

Just wondering if any of the ingredients in a typical bottle of premade ejuice, degrades over time? Especially after they've passed their sell by date? Do they go off, so to speak?

I recently bought approx 40 3 x 10ml packets of out of date stock, (made by a now defunct manufacturer of vape juices), very cheaply from one UK vendor i found selling them off at out of date clearance price. When i received them, some of the packets were 6 months passed SBD. Currently they're fine, taste as expected & the nicotine hit is there & i keep them in a cool dark cupboard, no probs yet. But will they 'go off' the older they get? I know the nicotine can go off if the bottle is exposed to sunlight for too long...but that's about it. What i have currently 'in stock' could last me 6 to 9 months and i want to get more, knowing that the only remaining stock left now, will also be well passed their SBDs.

I'm asking, because the vendor I got them from, still has approx 300 packets remaining for sale, I'd like to snap up as many as i can, before they disappear for good. If i purchase another 150 more packets or so, then i could well have enough to see me good for another 2-3 years! I roughly vape through half to one tankful (5ml tank) a day.

So, how long can premade juices keep 'fresh', so to speak?

Also, does the plastic bottles leach into the juice over time too? As i dunno what type of plastic the little 10mls are made of, but this could be an issue too, maybe?
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Ive got some juices here that are about a year out of date which i forgot i had and they seem to taste better than when i first got em so i would not worry to much about it if i were you......
I sure you will be able to tell by the taste if they are bad or not just drip em on your cotton and coil to do a taste test......
It will depend on whats in them.
I often make juice in bulk and place in the freezer.
Doing this stops the steeping process and they come out as fresh as the day i put them in there.
Even off nic @3% is vapable with no noticable difference to me.
It will depend on whats in them.
I often make juice in bulk and place in the freezer.
Doing this stops the steeping process and they come out as fresh as the day i put them in there.
Even off nic @3% is vapable with no noticable difference to me.

These juices were made by Vape & Glory, so mostly dessert flavours. I did not know one could freeze them though. Not sure if 10 ml bottles won't burst in the freezer though.
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Ive got some juices here that are about a year out of date which i forgot i had and they seem to taste better than when i first got em so i would not worry to much about it if i were you......
I sure you will be able to tell by the taste if they are bad or not just drip em on your cotton and coil to do a taste test......

I don't make my own coils (yet), but thanks for that Bulldog.
These juices were made by Vape & Glory, so mostly dessert flavours. I did not know one could freeze them! Not sure if 10 ml bottles won't burst in the freezer though.
It doesnt actually freeze as such as there is no water in it.
It just solidifies/congeals.
Personally I ignore the sell by dates. I've yet to try a liquid that was spoiled by being too old.

The nicotine will degrade over time so what was once 3mg maybe 2.5mg or lower depending on how old it is.

I've tried a custard liquid that had been rolling around in @Huggett car boot since 2015, it was bloody lovely! Bit like a aged Scotch though, had to be savoured being that old!
Personally I ignore the sell by dates. I've yet to try a liquid that was spoiled by being too old.

The nicotine will degrade over time so what was once 3mg maybe 2.5mg or lower depending on how old it is.

I've tried a custard liquid that had been rolling around in @Huggett car boot since 2015, it was bloody lovely! Bit like a aged Scotch though, had to be savoured being that old!

Well, i'm nt too bothered about the nicotine 'wearing off' over time, as i'm currently vaping 6mgs, and hoping to reduce this down to 3mgs in time. So if the nic isn't as strong in a year or two..then nay bother.

Just wondering if i should 'decant' my stock, into a glass bottle perhaps, as i don't know if the plastic bottles will leach into the juices over time, or is this not issue either?
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