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Parrots and vaping


Jan 8, 2013
Hello all

Thanks to your helpful advice I'm currently awaiting delivery of joyetech/vision clearomiser combo with a range of juices to try. However...

I was wondering if anyone had any experience of using these products around household pets. I have a pet parrot and, as a diligent parrot owner, am very careful to keep him in good health. Parrots are very susceptible to a range of household products, mostly cleaning and deodourising prducts, that can make them poorly. Tobacco smoke does them no favours so I don't smoke tobacco anywhere near him.

They are also particularly intolerant to the use of non-stick/teflon products, which when heated emit a vapour that causes immediate respiratory failure and death. Odd, but tragic tales abound of parrot owners who ignored this advice and had beloved pets of many years die sudden, horrible deaths.

So my questions is - does anyone out there have a parrot and have anything to report on this? I'm not planning to vape anywhere near him anyway, but any experiences would be very welcome.

Many thanks all.

I'm no expert on parrots but I would be very surprised if a bit of vapour would harm him.
I know member Waspy has one.

Vapour has been proven safe... check out this study
Results: Comparisons of pollutant concentrations were made between e-cigarette vapor and tobacco smoke samples. Pollutants included VOCs, carbonyls, PAHs, nicotine, TSNAs, and glycols. From these results, risk analyses were conducted based on dilution into a 40 m3 room and standard toxicological data. Non-cancer risk analysis revealed “No Significant Risk” of harm to human health for vapor samples from e-liquids (A-D). In contrast, for tobacco smoke most findings markedly exceeded risk limits indicating a condition of “Significant Risk” of harm to human health. With regard to cancer risk analysis, no vapor sample from e-liquids A-D exceeded the risk limit for either children or adults. The tobacco smoke sample approached the risk limits for adult exposure.
Conclusions: For all byproducts measured, electronic cigarettes produce very small exposures relative to tobacco cigarettes. The study indicates no apparent risk to human health from e-cigarette emissions based on the compounds analyzed.

My Staffy loves the smell of my vape.
I've heard the Norwegian Blue can be a bit frail, so if your parrot happens to be that particular breed it might be wise to be cautious. ;)

....but seriously, I haven't heard any reports of vaping having detrimental effects on pets.
Aha! Good to know someone else out there has the joy of a parrot in their lives lol.

The ref to the health impact info is very welcome. I know there's a lot of interest in vaping amongst public health people at the moment and the evidence to date is promising. Parrots are fickle creatures (who would guess that a hot baking tray would kill them?) so knowing there's another vaper out there whose feathered friend hasn't shuffled off this mortal coil and gone to meet the choir invisible is encouraging :)

Thanks again

I've sent a message to Waspy to ask for any comments. Advice much appreciated, bless you :)
I would be cautious of the flavourings in the vapour though, I know it is a minuscule amount but better to be on the safe side and not vape around it as you already are.
While we can’t say electronic cigarettes are 100% safe for birds, we can say that they don’t contain the thousands of chemicals found in tobacco smoke – because no tobacco is actually used. Instead they put off a water vapour which also contains propylene glycol and candy flavouring. Not enough studies have been done to indicate whether the substances would be a problem for the sensitive respiratory systems of birds, but we do know e-cig users report easier breathing and increased lung capacity when they switched from tobacco to e-cigs.
If you have a bird suffering from cigarette smoke in your home we suggest you try giving electronic cigarettes a chance. At the very least you’ll be sparing yourself from the destructive contents of tobacco smoke. With any luck your bird will also begin to feel better and breathe easier. However, we would caution you about keeping your liquid and cartridges in a secure place if you allow your bird to fly freely around her home.


Not a lot of info out there, but did you smoke previously around your bird? If so this has got to be loads better!

Also, While I loathe linking to another forum, ECF ( A US based forum) is great for information and has a few threads on vaping and birds....http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/fo...780-birds-vaping-bird-owners-please-read.html
I didn't know that Parrots could be so sensitive to household products. I have no idea if vaping would harm them but its probably best to not vape around him until you know for sure :hmm:
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