Well my OH........ Hang on ... I ain't got one bahahahaha
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Amazon has proved itself pretty useless too

Well my OH........ Hang on ... I ain't got one bahahahaha
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Amazon has proved itself pretty useless too
my OH is not keen on me vaping in the house even though she`s an ex smoker/vaper.
i do see her point though LOL i recently had my own man cave(spare room) and the smell in there was not fucking nice LOL(no it wasn`t me either fuckers)
people say vaping don`t smell,it does,not as strong as tobacco but it does stink and the other issue was the build up of a greasy film over everything in the room.
granted i`m a nightmare for chain vapingas for the health side of it we both agree that it`s the lesser of two evils
What are you vaping? I've never had any greasy film build up on anything. That don't sound too good.
clint, it's only cause you haven't told her how much it all cost.My wife's never once moaned about my vaping hobby or the cost. She's a good un.
Only time she says anything is when we're sat together watching telly and I see how much fog I can make before I annoy her.