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Pg or vg nic??


Apr 15, 2014
Apologies if this has been asked before.
I'm looking to get back into DIY after a few months off..
I used to mix at 50pg 50vg. But my vaping habits have changed, now I tend to use a lot of vg heavy juice, 70-80%. But my Mrs still only uses a nautilus and vapes 50/50 juices..
So given that I would be mixing 50/50 for her and 70/30 or 80/20 for myself, would I be better off buying pg or vg based nic??
Pg stores better.
I see more people complaining about the taste of vg nic.
If you use more than 20% flavour (which is mostly pg} then you are pushing the limit of what you can do with pg nic at 80/20
But since you are happy at 70/30 you should be ok with pg nic.
80VG 20PG is pushing it with PG based nic, you should have no problems with 70 or 75 VG ... it depends on how much flavouring you're typically adding and what strength of nic.
Cheers.. I normally use around 15-20% flavour and the nic will be 6mg.
mix the whole lot 50/50 and keep it simple stupid. unless your one of those people with a pg 'allergy' ?

or if you like the clouds vg gives,then vape pure vg to blow clouds and use 50/50 to give you your nic/flavour hit :2thumbsup:
I have my liquids 75/35 finished vg lvl and i use pg nic and pg flavourings, i find i never have to put any extra pg in so just stock up on vg if you buy pg
7.5ml vg, 0.8ml nic, 0.8ml pg, 0.9ml flavouring gives me 75/25 vg heavy on this mix but all depends on flavouring percentages etc too :)
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