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Picking My First (Kind Of) Vape


New Member
Jan 22, 2019

So I've been borrowing a friends old vape for a little over a week now due to wanting to give up smoking, and I'm pleased to say I've taken to it like a duck to water. But the time is coming I need to give it back and get my own so I'm looking for some advice!

I'm currently using a Cool Fire IV Plus with an isub G tank and a 0.2ohm coil. To be honest I pretty much like everything about it, aside from the fact it BURNS through juice like nobodies business. I suspect from my limited research this is due to the 0.2ohm coil even when I vape at 20W and I'm not really interested in blowing massive clouds!

My wife recently got the Arc 5 and whilst a nice device, I find it a bit small to hold and I don't really feel like it gives me the "throaty" hit like the Cool Fire.

So really I'm after some suggestions of what I should be looking out for, I've done plenty of scouring on the internet but I think I'm at the point I need more of an informed opinion/discussion!

Thanks in advance!
Most important thing is ditching the stinkies so if you are comfortable with the isub then get one.
Once a few weeks stink free have passed then look at something else.
Hi and welcome @JackWetson btw.
If the cool fire is working for you Jack then stick with it!

Given you like a throat hit, and presumably vape like you’d smoke, you definitely want a mouth to lung device and either nic salt or high nicotine juice initially. You’ll find advice and reviews on all of the above on here. I personally used the Aspire zelos kit when I packed up and it worked a treat for me. But there are other tanks also highly rated from Vapefly, Innokin and others. These are tanks that you can use on any regulated box mod. Have a mooch around and if you’ve got any questions you are in the right place to get answers!

Most importantly though well done on giving up smoking! Keep going and you’ll soon wonder why you ever smoked in the first place!
Hi @JackWetson how are you vaping on your current device? What strength liquid are you using and are you drawing the vapour in to your mouth then inhaling (mouth to lung) or inhaling the vapour directly in to your lungs (direct to lung)? How you vape will determine what kit is recommended to you by others on here ;)
As above really. As you are tooting at 20watts then you don't need anything that can blast out loads of power so you could look for single 18650 mods as these will be more than enough. The mod you are using is fine.

If you want to cut down on the amount of juice then you could try an MTL tank too. The Zenith, Nautilus and S22 are probably the ones that will show up most in search results - they will feature in most 'best mtl tank' searches. Add a 1 ohm coil and get some 20mg Nic salt and see how you go between 12-18 watts. Dr salt and Ohm Brew are my salts of choice. Vape Potions are the cheapest I've found fo Dr Salt.

As was mentioned its worth getting the same tank you're borrowing as your primary goal is to stay off the smokes and if this is working then stick with it for a while longer.

Theres a great list of recommended providers on here and a great list of recommended juices too.

Best of luck and well done on quitting
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