It boils my piss when people trade under another persons trademarked name. I had the same done to me a few years ago, I wasn't trademarked, more fool me,
They just don't care who's toes they step on, as long as they make a fast buck and hiding from the tax man etc.
All the stock besides from the wick & wire is purchased from the warehouses in Manchester. They can only supply new wicks/coils for the likes of fake nova's, evod's etc, by a ex customer of a reputable e-cig shop that was shown how to do it ! As he is working for this cowboy now and doesn't use anything they sell he just orders via our webshop due to not having the balls to call into the shop. They advertise the vamo, mvp and kts as there own when they were purchased from the other e-cig shop not far away that only sell's original e-cigs. The laughable part is if the owner has a issue with anything he tries to come into the other e-cig shop nearby for help. But he has been banned from there by the owners & I can't wait to give him the good news
I can confirm this is all true as I am e3gsr's wife and I work in the other e-cig shop that is nearby this cowboy outfit and I have seen and heard a lot about there stuff which some of it is very scary to put it mildly.
It's all good we'll just keep filing Trademark Infringement cases against them. The more it happens, the more evidence we have when they have legal proceedings brought against them.