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Please help with Genisis wicking problem!

Really don't know what to say. I have 2 main vape setups that get interchanged through out the day, one silica based either diver or killer for fruity flavours, one mesh either AgaT or Cobra for heavier toffee flavours & I actually prefer the mesh setup for ease of changing.
400 grade mesh depth or height depends on atty but usually around 45mm, top of the mesh is only just above the top coil, width is 65/70 don't measure it that accurately.
Oxidise very little until mesh has gone an overall blue colour, then wind round a large paperclip straightened out until the wick is tight enough to fit in wick hole & move freely (thumbs of steel I has) & 5 wraps of .20 kanthal leaving the clip in situ while I coil. Coils are reasonable tight but not biting in or distorting the wick, then a final fiddle to make sure the coils are evenly spaced all around the wick, wind down the power on mod till it's as low as it can go & start pulsing. 2/3 second bursts to begin, gradually lengthening till all the coils are glowing, there might be a few minor fiddles at this point to get rid of any hop spots, & away we go.
The filling screw is always in & I never tip to wet the wick, that happens naturally during the pulsing stage & I've never had a mesh wick flood on me in all time I've been using one, which would be from Dec 2012. The Aga can be an absolute PITA sometimes re hotspots, but that generally only happens on a brand new wick with it's first coil, then it's the fag paper method to solve, but other then that the worst thing that happens is if a wick gets clogged right at the very top what I can only describe as hard carbonised juice & that tiny of the wick heats up, glows orange & overruns, that's when I can get a not completely dry hit, but defo not good.
Should also say I have to do 2 of these setups since OHs preference is his Cobra, & it's all he can do to fill it! also have an Aga S & wee generic genny from Vapingthings that act as backups usually sat in the car.
I truly love my gennys & wouldn't be without them, but over wicking or flooding is not (touch wood) something I've ever had happen . . . sorry
When vaping is your wick at the bottom ie 6 o'clock or at the top 12 o'clock?
My 1st genesis atty was the tiny Aga-S.I tried several types of wick in it before settling on mesh.I also have an RSST with mesh wick(& a Russian 91% that doesn't use mesh so I'll ignore its setup)

I use a drill-bit(2-2.5 mm bit) as a former to wind the coil onto,the drill-bit is a loose fit in the wick hole.I use 0.3 mm kanthal to wind the coil onto the drill-bit,torching the coil & squeezing it to get the wraps neatly together BEFORE I then drop the drill-bit in the wick hole so the wick(when inserted)will be central and then mount the coil on the atty.Then I make the mesh wick,torched etc but before rolling the mesh into a tube,I will fold over the outside edge of the mesh(only a couple of mm needed)to reduce the likelihood of mesh fibres causing weird shit during use.Then I will roll the mesh until it is a snug fit in the coil mounted on the atty.The advantage to doing this is IF the mesh becomes clogged by the juice,then it's possible to remove the wick & leave the coil on the atty,torch the wick to clean it up & then simply drop it back into the coil.I was using a home-brew licorice juice that was clogging the mesh so badly that I needed torch the wick every 1.5 to 2 ml juice(or more often)and was getting really pissed off building new coil/wicks every couple of hours.The only time I had issues with hotspots when using "cleaner" juices was when the tank was empty,and wasn't exactly a hotSPOT but the entire coil/wick above the deck was glowing.
I carnt get use to genesis atomisers got a storm rider and tried with ss mesh and ss wire works fine for a while then get a dry hit and it just kill your throat so think I'll stick with silica and cotton lol
On my gennies, the only setup I've ever really liked is stainless steel rope with an ekowool sleeve at the top where the coil is. Much easier than mesh (just cut to size and put eko sleeve on), and wicks better as well. With the eko I also dont get any problems with shorts, which was driving me crazy when I just used mesh. At least for me, I've never had any problems with the wick leaking when tilted, because the eko sleeve seems to absorb any juice that comes up and acts as a reservior.
Thanks, I am happy with my wicks and coils just want to make sure I have the wick in the right place? Air hole at the top or bottom?
Silica-cotton-ekowool in a Genny what ever next

No its not designed for that even ekowool will clog your wick up way to quick, I see the cobra you have picked a right bitch there to wick and coil mate.

If you are really struggling I'd suggest SS rope with a small amount out mesh rapped round the top to start with.

sounds like your having issues hotspots, hot legs etc. many reasons for this
most common

coil too tight
coil too loose
uneven coils
Mesh has strands loose causing the issue
you have a short

its hard to advise and everyone has there own way to wick and coil. google drill bit method works well.

If your going to use any of the 3 in my first part stick with a kayfun of silica atty as they are designed for those :)
Silica-cotton-ekowool in a Genny what ever next

No its not designed for that even ekowool will clog your wick up way to quick, I see the cobra you have picked a right bitch there to wick and coil mate.

If you are really struggling I'd suggest SS rope with a small amount out mesh rapped round the top to start with.

sounds like your having issues hotspots, hot legs etc. many reasons for this
most common

coil too tight
coil too loose
uneven coils
Mesh has strands loose causing the issue
you have a short

its hard to advise and everyone has there own way to wick and coil. google drill bit method works well.

If your going to use any of the 3 in my first part stick with a kayfun of silica atty as they are designed for those :)

No need for anything next Carlos. Its the best Genny vape Ive had. ;-)

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