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Oct 31, 2019
Morning, just thought I'd do the formalities. .
Vaping for 5 years now, serial magpie issues.
No preference in mtl, dtl, regulated, mechanical as long as I get my nic.
Dabble in a bit of DIY mixing but mostly single tobacco type flavours as previous attempts at creations weren't that successful... possibly due to lower quality concentrate...possibly because I'm no flavour artist...

Errrr pretty much it right?

Looks fairly active here :) hopefully not just hoards of reviews...

Hi brightonvaper
Greetings @brightonvaper
welcome to the planet etc.....

Don't think this place does hoards of reviews as such
yeah some stuff gets a proper review if it is truly pretty good

But most of the time, fellow apes give their honest own opinions
(in response usually to others enquiring what this/that is like)
and imho - what other wise apes on here say about stuff
often beats any youtuber raving about some latest shiny must have bit of stuff

other than that, bit of info, bit of banter etc.... a down to earth kinda place
welcome, no worries on the reviews, little and good. The community feels like home once get the hang on a few people here and nicknames.
Morning, just thought I'd do the formalities. .
Vaping for 5 years now, serial magpie issues.
No preference in mtl, dtl, regulated, mechanical as long as I get my nic.
Dabble in a bit of DIY mixing but mostly single tobacco type flavours as previous attempts at creations weren't that successful... possibly due to lower quality concentrate...possibly because I'm no flavour artist...

Errrr pretty much it right?

Looks fairly active here :) hopefully not just hoards of reviews...

Hi and welcome Brighton....
Thanks for joining. Today we have the Super Duper Hulk Tank with the Mighty Mouse Mod. Wowsers! Was I happy to get this sent to me via Teleportation! It materialised, like, instantly :11:
My thoughts!? Get one now! I haven't even put juice in the tank or batteries in the mod but just looking at it I'm feeling.....................
.....faint! :thud:
Umm, err, :hmm:.......could be I forgot to drink water for the last 3 days!
Nah, awesomeness vaperoooniness!
:thumbsup: get one here .... www.superdooperhulkeroonymightymousevaperisusness.com
Welcome by the way :)2
Greetings @brightonvaper
welcome to the planet etc.....

Don't think this place does hoards of reviews as such
yeah some stuff gets a proper review if it is truly pretty good

But most of the time, fellow apes give their honest own opinions
(in response usually to others enquiring what this/that is like)
and imho - what other wise apes on here say about stuff
often beats any youtuber raving about some latest shiny must have bit of stuff

other than that, bit of info, bit of banter etc.... a down to earth kinda place
That's good to hear. I'm over on UKV but the place has dried up a little in content... (bar the youtubers and youtuber wannabees spaffing their latest offerings) not quite what it was back in the day unfortunately, but it seems we have come far so quickly since the days of wanting to rebuild your own kanger heads to save a few quid or to get an extra bit of power out of them.
Getting back into a mech kinda loving mood lately, so I feel a splurge coming in the next few weeks. (Uhoh).
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