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Post your kayfun high wattage setups


Jun 2, 2014
Hi guys looking to see everyone's kayfun high wattage setups in terms of resistance, wick method, and single / dual coil etc, and you wattage you Vape at.

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Hi guys looking to see everyone's kayfun high wattage setups in terms of resistance, wick method, and single / dual coil etc, and you wattage you Vape at.

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes

I've gone down to 0.6 dual nano could but the Kayfun doesn't have the airflow to make it an enjoyable vape IMO
I tried something drastic to stop my custard burning - 17 wraps of 0.42 around 2.4, giving 2 ohms. Takes forever to heat up, but getting full flavour and no burning.
I tried something drastic to stop my custard burning - 17 wraps of 0.42 around 2.4, giving 2 ohms. Takes forever to heat up, but getting full flavour and no burning.

Seventeen fooking wraps lol.

It's a wonder it didn't short out on the chimney :)
I have to say that the Kayfun is quite old now in the scheme of things, and was designed during the days when low ohms, high wattage builds weren't so popular.

As standard, it is not particularly well suited to such builds, in my humble opinion.

There are people out there that can mod the airflow for you and indeed increase the size of the feed channels, you can even do these things yourself if you are confident with a Dremel.

I would suggest that for anyone looking to do high wattage, low ohm vaping on a Kayfun style device, that doesn't feel like modifying their Kayfun, should probably have a look at an Orchid, or dare I suggest it, an Orchid clone. These are four channel and with a better airflow than the Kayfun, the only drawback being that they really need a dual coil and are difficult to set up for single coil.

Just a view, opinions vary :-)
0.5mm kanthal 2.5mm wraps, 6 wraps = 0.5ohms. Been using it for a few weeks and its nice. Can only vape for about 5 mins before it gets really hot. No mods to the airflow, just a careful silica wick build.... used silica because of the massive heat in there. Used on nemesis mech.

Going to try the other end of the scales soon, lighter kanthal, more wraps and run it off a box mod as this current build feels like I'm abusing the poor thing plus I fear melting the insulator under the coil.
5/6 ish wraps of 0.3 around a 2mm-ish diameter. gives around 0.8/0.9 ohms. originally used silica, but been muji-ing it recently. no flooding (unless just after refilling with a quartz kit on the KFL) and havent had it go dry on me. seems to be my sweet spot.
I decided to try my idea of having more coil in mine thus more heat capacity so as suggested above I used 0.4mm wire round 2.5mm drill bit, managed to squeeze in 12 turns so thats about 1.4ohms thus a box mod only build.... maxed out my dna30 at 30 watts and its fantastic!! The vape is very very thick owing to the lower airflow, plus it hangs around in the air forever like ciggy smoke :)

I suspect when I get a better box mod this build will take up to 40 watts, but I suspect the kayfun will start getting silly-hot real quick.

Its certainly my new fave kayfun build now though.

FYI my comfort zone is around 295 mW per mm (squared) of coil, knowing this allows me to get consistency no matter what the build, wire used etc etc. The link for the calculator below tells you everything you need to know.

Coil wrapping | Steam Engine | free vaping calculators
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