Overall, I had a great time. There were some annoyances, like the voucher system and the prices for food/drinks. I thought it was bad form that the place was literally wheelchair inaccessible.
I do hope the organizers next year find a bigger venue... The place simply is not big enough for all of those people to congregate in one space.
I never made it through the tent to look at ANY of the vendors wares. I made it to @
Safercigs table twice, only to be pushed out of the way by 3 blokes once I was one person away. Several times people were rushing and just pushing to get past because there simply was not enough room in the tent. The 3 times I went in, I was quickly back out because of this
Now I am a big girl, not hard to miss, but I went out of my way to try not to bump people or push past when I didn't need to!
I also may very well be the ONLY person ever to go to Vapefest and buy absolutely nothing (Aside from a vmax from another forum member!) My OH was anxiously awaiting all my goodies and was totally shocked, I came home empty handed aside a few bottles of juice being passed out (Thanks @
Fiona! going to try them later) and 1 bottle from T-Juice, and I remembered to tell Terry I was a great ape from POTV!!! The money I saved bought the kiddos chinese for dinner