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Prefered coils

I'm confused.. a month ago you said you were looking into getting into rda's.. now you're opening a business? You are either one fast leaner or you're running before you can walk. I'd suggest taking it slow.. make some coils and share them. Get feedback and build a rep. 12p is way too cheap for a decent coil.. only the Chinese can work at that cost. How will you pay bills etc at that price?
I’m thinking to start up a premade coil shop and wanted to hear what wire you use and the price you pay also the ohms

Any advice is grateful thanks in advance.

Hi vadaa I’ve inboxed you regarding coils,
Good luck with ur buissness idea I hope it goes well for you.
I found stainless steel to be the best and kanthal to be second for people who don’t know what they are doing when it comes down to temp control.

I would've thought you really need to know what you're doing to TC with Ka...
If you can keep that production going weekly then you can afford to buy a new roll of wire at the end of the week and make about £20 profit. But then you have to sell 200 coils a week to make that sum of money. Hard work but well worth it.
Looking forward to the pics. Good luck

Will keep you posted.

SS or Ni80 Fused clapton
Approximately 12p each

Is this right? From what I’m seeing the prices depend how much wire you buy In meters, which determines the price of one coil. Working out what’s the Best Buy is going to buy a whole heap of wire to make it even more worth it.

Doing this because I’m not doing anything else.

No need for that, ffs! I just asked if you wanted your windows washed! :D

Well in that case yes please I will pay you in coils ok.

I only use plain wire, so I'm not the best person to give advice but I would say just make some nice claptons, fused claptons, flat core claptons etc that don't have stupidly low resistances. Use the best wire available, send a few to people and hope you get a good reaction. You are going to be competing with coil builders who have built up a reputation over years and dirt cheap Chinese coils, so it's going to be tough.

It's also quite a niche market, when you take out all the people using sub-tank coils, MTL coil heads, people that use plain wire and everyone that makes their own from scratch or pre-made wire, I can't imagine there's that many people left..... but good luck. :)2

Thanks for your input just doing research at the moment on a few things.

I'm confused.. a month ago you said you were looking into getting into rda's.. now you're opening a business? You are either one fast leaner or you're running before you can walk. I'd suggest taking it slow.. make some coils and share them. Get feedback and build a rep. 12p is way too cheap for a decent coil.. only the Chinese can work at that cost. How will you pay bills etc at that price?

I have been head down in YouTube vids learning quickly also google helps. I don’t do much when my time apart from being depressed and fed up with life I thought I give this ago and see what happens.

Hi vadaa I’ve inboxed you regarding coils,
Good luck with ur buissness idea I hope it goes well for you.

Going to reply to you now thanks!!

If you can keep that production going weekly then you can afford to buy a new roll of wire at the end of the week and make about £20 profit. But then you have to sell 200 coils a week to make that sum of money. Hard work but well worth it.

This shouldn’t be a problem I enjoy this type of stuff I find it very therapeutic
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