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Problem with dual micro coils


Feb 16, 2014
Well am rocking a cracking .4 ohm dual micro coil build but am having massive problems with wicking it.
The juice just ain't flowing quick enough!
Am using a 30pg 70vg mix its not really viscous.
Any ideas on how I could either sort this out or lessen the hella dry hit?
Cheers guys!

Sent from my XT1032 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Are you using cotton? If so you could stuff some under the coil aswell as through it to stop it drying as quick. Maybe add a touch round the back of the coil aswell if it still burns through it too quick.

Sent from my HTC One XL using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Dennis Am using an RDA, its an Omega Clone Gary tried it and it really mutes the flavour I find, there is such a thing as too much wick

Sent from my XT1032 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I have the omega and found it fine at .6, haven't went lower, I've never had any problems with wicking in an RDA at all. Maybe try less cotton? Or just roll enough of the end to fit through the coil then tease the rest through, leaving it nice and fluffy.

Sent from a howitzer in my back garden
GaryConstance Sounds like too much cotton indeed. Maybe it's swelling and blocking the airholes? Are those stock or drilled out? I've found that with cotton a little goes a long way. Gave up on it myself as it can burn if you let it run out accidentally. Using silica again. I think it allows better airflow and won't burn.
Same problem myself. Have tried the cotton under the coils too, no luck.
I'm thinking it's maybe the cotton I'm using? Any recommendations or is cotton just cotton?

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Try dropping the VG % try 50/50 or add sterilised water to the vg, at 10% and try it. I think its to much VG stopping the wicking.
I will try addi g some water too it when I get a chance

Sent from my XT1032 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Have you tried less cotton? It sounds like the cotton it too dense. I vape 80/20 VG/PG no problem.

Sent from a howitzer in my back garden
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