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Pulse 80W & Recurve RDA impressions...

No it’s not the way.

Separately, Flavour is excellent on it (I have tried others) but for me it’s all about the wicking and the type of cotton. F9r instance cotton bacon V2 seems to mute it.

My solution for you is stick with the Recurve, it really is awesome: Invest and try it with COTN Threads as this cotton is great and the wicking amount, and size our the box is perfect for the stock recurve coils every single time, so at least you get that part right. Once you try it, then tell us what you think ;)

Interesting and brilliant conclusion. I'm using both cotton bacon and 80/20 vg. Has to be high vg but a different cotton choice could be the answer here. I know the rda is great, i just need to learn how to harness it thanks for the reply. Will now go look for cotton threads :14:
Quick update. Went to local vape shop but no cotton threads in stock. They did however make me a beefy coil there and then a packed it with some cotton bacon for free. Vapes way better already. Still going to try the threads though so ordered a pack to try. Not giving up on the recurve as I'm starting to see what the hypes about :14:
Good stuff. Glad I helped and always worth sticking with Recurve, there is a reason why thousands rave about a product, it’s just about gettting it right. Also, if you don’t mind, Like or Thanks icon on the forum if people help in any way so thead gets higher up and more people see the suggestions. P.s I don’t work for COTN Threads or have any vested interest at all. I just find the product very very good and like to personally support innovative products that help people and are truly good. So hopefully when you get the cotton you will like it very much. First few vapes as always will taste not great as with most cotton, hence you will see people pulse vape and blow on it a few times, so I don’t usually inhale firs few puffs, but then it kicks in lovely... also, highly recommend a beefy BUT fast to heat (fast ramp up) and fast to cool the coil as well, and most coils don’t do that unless they are built well, so worth investing once in a handmade Alien coil from Smut (search for him on the forum) or someone similar. Most Alien coils on market are not good at all because they have thick outer wire (easy for machines to make) so usually it’s only handmade that can use the very thin outer wires without breaking it. Fast to cool is important too as it avoids the juice over boiling as that can affect taste stored in the cotton and even goes back into the squonker bottle.
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Haven't got any threads yet but re wicked again. Honestly never vaped in so much juicy flavour It's like swimming in it or something. Does need more cotton than I expected but having it all stuffed in there made the recurve really shine. I honestly wasn't expecting it to be this great but if anyone is in any doubt just get it ! Thanks for keeping me at it
Haven't got any threads yet but re wicked again. Honestly never vaped in so much juicy flavour It's like swimming in it or something. Does need more cotton than I expected but having it all stuffed in there made the recurve really shine. I honestly wasn't expecting it to be this great but if anyone is in any doubt just get it ! Thanks for keeping me at it

Nice one graham. Told you so :) by the way I recently also bought the Drop Solo just to check the difference, used the same stock coil from the Recurve in the Drop, and Recurve wins on the taste front although it’s a little more air restrictive. It’s just getting wicking right and choosing the best coils for your style of vaping which will be trial and error...will keep the Drop for tasting juices and dripping as has a bigger juice well, but the Recurve will always be my daily driver for squonking, nothing else touches it. Enjoy...
Nice one graham. Told you so :) by the way I recently also bought the Drop Solo just to check the difference, used the same stock coil from the Recurve in the Drop, and Recurve wins on the taste front although it’s a little more air restrictive. It’s just getting wicking right and choosing the best coils for your style of vaping which will be trial and error...will keep the Drop for tasting juices and dripping as has a bigger juice well, but the Recurve will always be my daily driver for squonking, nothing else touches it. Enjoy...
They are different beasts. The recurve (especially with the 22mm cap) is spot on for a mech squonker but the drop solo really needs a big arse coil and some wattage thrown at it. For its size it's deceptively large on the coil space.
I've demoted my dead rabbit to a taste tester now. Put in the solid pin and stuck it on an old mod. It's a good rda but not the flavour of the recurve :)
Got some cotn threads in the recurve ... Super simple to use (as expected) but coil temp is through the roof because they are so skimpy on the volume of cotton. Anyone else had this issue or is my coil to fat? Around 3mm
Got some cotn threads in the recurve ... Super simple to use (as expected) but coil temp is through the roof because they are so skimpy on the volume of cotton. Anyone else had this issue or is my coil to fat? Around 3mm

That cotton is meant for 3mm coils (eg the original wotofo coils that come the recurve). Coil temp is supposed to be the same no matter the cotton, cotton just helps wicking juice into it better or too much slows it meaning a drier hit. Cotton also all have flavour of its own or doesn’t and some need more of a break in before it tastes decent, and others last longer, all sorts of variables. The COTN is supposed be the exact size, and even too much extra on the side for 3mm, and for the recurve due to its small internal size, you even got to cut off some on each side, so unsure why yo7 feel its a little skimpy. Seems you must be used to even more cotton than average if you feel that you are skimping. Too much cotton may require one less squonk per few puffs, but not quick enough wicking so it’s a balance. If it’s too hot, consider temperature mode (recurve comes with coils made from Nichrome any many mods now have TC for NI), but if you’re on a mech, consider using a slightly less powerful battery perhaps?
Nichrome isn't a TC wire, too small a resistance change to be measured accurately. TC for Ni is for Ni200 wire. If you have a DNA250C mod you can use Nichrome in Replay by checking "Dubious Coils" in Escribe.
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