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Question about batteries


Jul 12, 2016
Read somewhere the other day that you shouldnt use the same batteries in different mods,which didn't make sense to me.So if that is correct, why?
I have a few mods, some dual,some triple battery .
I havent been mixing sets if you know what I mean. A pair is a pair, both bought and charged together.Or three bought and charged together.But used in different mods.
I really can't see what difference it makes. yes keep pair and triples together. But discharge will vary anyway.
Marry batteries to each other, not to a mod is my understanding.
Mods can discharge batteries unevenly so rotate married batteries within the same mod as best you can without getting obsessed.
Thats what I thought, and have been continuing to do, but just thought I should ask...just in case
OK, how the hell do you do that lol, rotate batteries?.Do you number them? Or you just remember the positions they were in when in the mod and when in the charger?
OK, how the hell do you do that lol, rotate batteries?.Do you number them? Or you just remember the positions they were in when in the mod and when in the charger?

That's why many people marry a set of batteries with a certain mod or mod of similar structure ie. rx200 1,2,3 numbered for each position. If you use a certain couple of mods then that should not be an issue anyway, just number and rotate :)
An example

A sharpie is what I use or when I rewrap them, directly on the battery, it can be seen under the wrap anyway :)

You can get really good deals on batteries these days so there isn't much reason why you shouldn't have a nice bundle stashed away for the future ;)
OK, how the hell do you do that lol, rotate batteries?.Do you number them? Or you just remember the positions they were in when in the mod and when in the charger?
Depends how many battery sets and mods you use.
If you use a lot then stickers are handy.
If you only use two pairs with one twin-batt mod, just get into a habit of swapping positions in charger or back in the mod.
Triples are trickier, you can't use last one out first back in but my personal experience so far with two triple-batt mods is that I have seen no massive discharge unevenness.
I have plenty of batts so every batt that comes out of a mod gets rested and checked, double checked on the charger initial rates, mid charge and final charge, then rest after charge and another check and store in box marked for intended mod. Sounds obsessively complex but it's a simple routine.
Mods can put one battery under more pressure so it's just to even out the lives of your batts.
Similar to rotating tyres front to back on your motor (similar but different!).
As said above, batts are not expensive for the use you get so wouldn't over obsess, there is a small safety issue also but if you're sensible you should never experience any problems.
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