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Question(s) regarding a RBA (Fogger v4) and a RDA (Trident V2)

If it's 80vg and thinner it's probably diluted with distilled water.

You general consensus is that you don't want to drip over 6mg. It's probably not the juice.

Right... Well i've already reduced from 12mg to 6mg now.. all my juices are 6mg..
I still find it confusing, why the difference in throat hit is so huge.. sigh.. anyway thanks..

Any suggestions ???
Right... Well i've already reduced from 12mg to 6mg now.. all my juices are 6mg..
I still find it confusing, why the difference in throat hit is so huge.. sigh.. anyway thanks..

Any suggestions ???

Try changing the height of the coils in relation to the airholes on the fogger, start with pretty close to the airholes and work from their...
Juice suggestions?

Yup juice suggestions would be good! :2thumbsup: Also do you know any way to get the throat hit down? Are all RBA's like this?? I've got a Kayfun Lite Plus v2 clone and an Orchid v2 clone on the way...

Try changing the height of the coils in relation to the airholes on the fogger, start with pretty close to the airholes and work from their...

Thanks! I will try to bring it down, although that is going to be a pain to do.. I've already brought it as low as i could go just now..
Yup juice suggestions would be good! :2thumbsup: Also do you know any way to get the throat hit down? Are all RBA's like this?? I've got a Kayfun Lite Plus v2 clone and an Orchid v2 clone on the way...

Thanks! I will try to bring it down, although that is going to be a pain to do.. I've already brought it as low as i could go just now..

8bitvapes super space pirate is great. You could order it at 4mg as well for the Fogger.
8bitvapes super space pirate is great. You could order it at 4mg as well for the Fogger.

Thanks! Never heard of it before! Will try it out for sure! :2thumbsup::2thumbsup:

I've tried :
vapemate.co.uk : not particularly nice though.. But they are mixed to order and you can choose the PG/VG ratio. I got 6 flavors in 70vg/30pg.
digbysjuices : just ordered some.. will get it monday. Really waiting for this one...
Vape Swag : pretty nice juice. available at 80%vg. Based in Sunderland (i think) and i get it from a B&M shop @ Wallsend...

And then there are Hangsen & Dekang... cheap and not really all that bad.. I managed to bring over quite a lot of 80%vg Hangsen juices when I came from Malaysia, they aren't exactly bad... too bad I already switched from 12mg to 6mg.. A giveaway is imminent :P
I've also tried Dekang 50/50.. Not that bad.. TBH, both Dekang and Hangsen are better than the vapemate that i tried..

And finally, the worst of the worst : LIQUA... (IMHO)

Any other juices you could recommend????
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