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Ms Bucket

Jan 3, 2023
Knock knock it’s only me “The Newbie” grhhh

My Vaping Story so far………

I smoked from aged 23 up until 2020, I was heading for 20+ fags a day. Worryingly I very nearly ended looking like one of those 60 a day people.

Yellow Fingers
Heavily stained teeth (yellow)
Stained brassy fringe
Smokers cough
Smells like an ash tray
Bad breath
Financial hardship due to cost of a packet of 20, forcing me to start picking up fag butts off the floor

I had no choice but to start vaping, I took to it just like a pro. unfortunately I’m now displaying a very odd behaviour regarding my device & me.

Should I be concerned when I’ve misplaced my device & cannot find it for the life of me experiencing a panicky kinda feeling causing myself to get grumpy. It’s almost like a separation loss disorder
Then when it’s found I’m filled with relief & sheer happiness. Maybe I’m a bit odd hey?
Anyway…….. my last device lasted no more than 8 months (Innokin Adept Zlide) it was misfiring, then randomly turning itself on without me noticing which resulted in a frazzled coil. Luckily my standby device was at hand preventing the above symptoms hence why Im using a pen

Im wanting a new device, DTL, RDL, Pink, Separate chargeable batteries & most importantly easy to use.

To be continued…………
Hi @Ms Bucket and welcome to the planet.

Simple solution of misplacing your kit. Join the shinyitis gang like most of us on here and have enough kits for every room in the house :18::2thumbsup:
Welcome and yes, that's the simple answer, always have a spare back up plus another one or two or three just in case.
Hi @Ms Bucket and welcome to the planet.

Simple solution of misplacing your kit. Join the shinyitis gang like most of us on here and have enough kits for every room in the house :18::2thumbsup:

Blimey………Do you have these on your contents Insurance!!! I know where to come if my lil insey T20s dies on me!!!

My budget at the moment is pennies!
I know it costs a few bob to have a couple of spare mods or pods but it really does take away the panic it one fails.

Gosh, you've also displayed this device separation disorder. I never realised there was another person such as Ms Bucket

You watch………… I bet very soon there will be a tab for this disorder & myself dishing out advice. Watch this space…….

Gosh, you've also displayed this device separation disorder. I never realised there was another person such as Ms Bucket

You watch………… I bet very soon there will be a tab for this disorder & myself dishing out advice. Watch this space…….
I never go anywhere without spare batteries, coil, juice and a few back up devices. It doesnt have to expensive backups, just something that will get u by in an emergency.
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