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Radio 4 on ecigs


Apr 1, 2013
Radio 4 on now, 17.50, doing an article on ecigs, interviewing kids who have never smoked, but are trying ecigs coz of the flavours like blueberry, mint choc chip etc. I'll look for a clip when it finishes! States that tomorrow MRHA will be announce that ecigs will be treated as medicines.
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Can someone please let me know what the implications of this are?

The devil is in the detail. Clearly some kind of regulation is forthcoming, and while MHRA may be proposing a slew of new regs tomorrow what new regs will actually get onto the statute books, and when it will happen is a whole different question.

I have absolutely no problem with e-cigs and e-liquids being regulated, as long as those regulations are based on science and are aimed at protecting the public and as long as a responsible vendor will be able to comply with them. Something along the lines of the ECITA ISE would be great.
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