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RBA for a newbie

I got my first RBA two weeks ago, and it was a good quality Kayfun Lite clone. An excellent device, which is easy to build and it doesn't leak at all. In any way shape or form.

Then I got a Fogger V4 with the wide chimney which is more fiddly to build and tricky to wick correctly to stop it leaking but it does make some nice flavour and clouds.

Fogger V4 with the narrow chimney is a different kettle of fish with the wicking, but still produces a good vape when you get it right.

I have a TOBH RDA which I got at the weekend, and I am very impressed with this device. I started out with 0.7 ohms dual coil and it was epic, I now have it running a 1.5 ohm single coil with a cotton stuffed voodoowool wick and it is very impressive. I brought it into work yesterday and I found it no more awkward to drip than use an RBA.

I also have an Aga T-7 but I haven't built that yet.

All of the devices except the Kayfun came from Elegant Vapour who I found to have excellent service, especially on their live chat.
After plenty of research I got a Taifun GT, it simply looked like the most easy to build, added to that you fill the tank from the bottom in the same way as a protank which I had before. I believe that they are more simple than the Kayfun's as they require less wicking (although I stand to be corrected) there are also several vids of how to coil them.

So far I've built two coils and rewicked them both. I did nearly drowned myself on the 1st wick but soon found that I just needed more cotton (microcoils) but there is no way I'd go back to my protank. they are simply amazing, although I'm now in the market for a dripper!
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