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RDA Compatibility


Jul 22, 2016
I would like to know which squonk mods be they mechs or regulated have the widest compatibility with third party attys as the last thing I would want to do would be to buy something that can only use its stock tank or a small selection.

I'm thinking of the Origen little or Narda.

Cheers, Iain
Within reason, and as far as I'm aware, any RDA with a bottom feed pin can be used on any squonker.
They all attach to a modified 510 connector, which is pretty much the industry standard these days.

If there are any non-510 mods out there, I don't know about them.
Thanks for the reply @Lord Grim I wasn't thinking of other connectors but whether the attys would fit flush on some mods and not so much on others.
as Graeme said theres only 510 except for a few rare sunbox bfx connections. obviously theres some differences in 510 pin length for height flushness (if that's a word) and various widths can be filled with beauty rings -no hard and fast rule im afraid
That's good to hear thanks for the replies. I was just concerned that squonkers would have fixed 510's and could be a pain with some attys, but as you say these things can be dealt with. I was originally going to build one but made a 4x18650 OKL box mod instead. I will build one in the future probably if I like them, I think I will as I spend about 50/50 between drippers and tanks.
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