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RDA Spitting


May 18, 2017
Got my first RDA delivered today from fastech, a UDE Skywalker.

Attempted my first build with the standard coils that come in the box. Single coil build.

Cottoned n wicked up n then went through lower watts slowly increasing to test but getting a lot of spitting.

Coil gave 0.27 ohms.

Have a look at pics n see if you can give some advice on what might have done wrong...

I'm thinking either too much cotton or juice or too low wattage, as it reduced when got to 50 watts


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If your just firing it blank like that with no moving air over the coils they always spit like crazy . My nicley wicked current setup that does not spit when I use it ..If i take of the cap and just fire it spits like volcano .. Its the airflow that balances the heating .
We call this ejaculating in the vaping community. You tank is ejaculating. And like @burnt fingers says above, it could well be firing blanks. Not sure how to sort it out.
I did eventually put the lid on and turned watts up a bit. Got a nice warm vape.

Still can get some spitting after topping up fluid.
Try putting a bit of cotton on the other side of the deck so you don't have juice floating about. This may or may not help but worth a try.
rdas do spit from time too time like mick brown says put some cotton on the side you are not using it works for me on single coil builds also what cotton are you using as some cottons work better than others in rdas...................
Fuzz cotton from Yorkshire Vaper. Will try and put some on other side and see how that works...
hi ive never used that cotton so i would not no only use cotton bac or native wicks and sometimes muji but try the cotton on the side i find that it works for me.. you may find more tips on youtube worth a look good luck..................
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