But what if mod bottle isn't totally empty, I squeeze it and juice will come out the 510 ?
Took me a couple of goes with liquid mishaps lol, but I've sussed it without needing to remove bottle from mod or slide the bottle down the tube (FYI
@jacinabox ), etc

Squonk bottle does need to be pretty much empty or at least empty enough that you can orientate the mod so the feed tube inside the squonk bottle isn't actually sitting in liquid. Invert your mod if necessary so the feed pipe is well clear of liquid

METHOD ONE: Turn mod on side or invert so the feed pipe is out of the liquid in the bottle and give bottle a quick "air" squonk to ensure feed pipe clear, then remove atty.....
.....Keep mod on its side or even invert it to ensure the feed pipe inside the squonk bottle is sitting in air, not liquid.
Gently apply pressure so it expels the air out of the squonk bottle

. Maintain the pressure and screw on refill bottle. As soon as refill bottle fully screwed on and seals, release pressure on squonk bottle, hold mod fully upright and gently apply pressure to the refill bottle until squonk bottle full. VOILA, works a treat

METHOD TWO: I haven't tried it with squonk bottle still being half full yet. But, I'm assuming you can turn your squonk mod upside down so the pipe in the squonk bottle is sitting in air and all liquid is at the top of squonk bottle, apply pressure to squonk bottle and hold, screw on refill bottle until it seals and release pressure from squonk bottle, turn mod right way up and apply pressure to the refill bottle. Can't see why that shouldn't work either

. As long as the bottom of the pipe inside the bottle isn't sitting in liquid when you apply and hold pressure, you won't squirt liquid everywhere and just screw on the refill bottle

METHOD THREE: I'm also going to try this later too. Remove atty, fill
refill bottle half full and sit it flat on a surface, apply and hold pressure to REFILL bottle (NOT squonk bottle)...... Turn mod upside down and screw onto the refill bottle (DON'T release pressure on refill bottle yet), as soon as the refill bottle seals on mod you can release pressure on the refill bottle but keep mod turned upside down, apply pressure to squonk bottle which will squeeze all of the air out of squonk bottle into the refill bottle ( it will reinflate REFILL bottle and expel air from squonk bottle), STOP applying pressure if liquid starts to transfer to refill bottle, turn mod right way up, press on refill bottle and squonk bottle should fill up

. In theory it should work, I just haven't as yet tried in practice lol

Hopefully that gives you a one in three shot of a successful refill without the mess llooll

Plz let me know if you try method 2 or method 3 and it successfully works lol
Hope that helps
