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Rebuildables: Beginners experiences

Doh- my bad. Definitely rta for me, sick of refilling stuff every 1/2 hour. I've been swotting up on wick and coil today. Still none the wiser, but I want to stock up so I don't have to worry about wasting stuff when I cock it up!
RDA:An amateurs experience

Ok, received my Clockworks rta,
My luck ran out, i built three coils and wicks.....and they all tasted like burn.

I had a brew, calmed down and retrieved my rta from under the radiator where it had landed ten minutes earlier....

Watched a few "how to videos", ha! I thought, silly sod that i am, i need to use the paper clip method, i set about the task with enthusiasm, got it all finished and installed fairly quickly, the hard part was fitting the wicks in the holes because i have been blessed with what my son terms as "hands like bloody spades"

Primed the wick, fired up the Provari "shameless plug for my new toy" and the taste was amazing, it was just like fekkin burnt toast!.
So i calmly removed my rta and returned it to its home under the radiator at high speed.

I had a brew, calmed down and retrieved my rta from under the radiator where it had landed ten minutes earlier.....

Had a little think, put two 1mm wicks together with the paper clip, one wick just over half as long as the other, and coiled it up.

The end result is a wick on one side of the coil, and two wicks on the other, so with my sausage like fingers i put the wicks in there three different holes, i primed the wick, attached it to my Provari and.......guess what!

It vapes like a train, good flavour, the works

P.s. It has a new home on a cabinet, not under my radiator
I've just ordered a load of wick and wire off the German bloke on ebay cos I've a feeling I'll get through quite a lot of it before I get the hang of it!
Thanks for posting peejayuu. The more noobs post on the thread the more helpful it will be. Hopefully. I just rewicked mine and whilst it works the flavour is a little off. I'm using a thicker wire 0.2 and a different (thicker at 2mm) wickystringy I got off Cloud 9. I'll persevere for now :)
RDA:An amateurs experience

Thanks for posting peejayuu. The more noobs post on the thread the more helpful it will be. Hopefully. I just rewicked mine and whilst it works the flavour is a little off. I'm using a thicker wire 0.2 and a different (thicker at 2mm) wickystringy I got off Cloud 9. I'll persevere for now :)

Blimey you lot....i got called one of the elite...p flower im talking to you...lol
Now im a noob!
Make your minds up

Typed with humour intact
yay, got the email saying my rta is ready and being shipped tomorrow. The wick and wire have already arrived. Now what the hell did i do with my little screwdriver!!!
I invested in a little kit of mini screwdrivers from the hardware store but you only need a small Phillips one really. Good luck and hope we can follow your journey!
Ive got a little precision philips about somewhere, but the bloody dog knocked it off and now it could be anywhere!
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