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Rebuilding this coil??

I just use kanthal res on my pt2, microcoil with .37mm, 7 - 8 wraps on 2mm screwdriver give it a torch in tweezers. Then on to a blunt needle that fits in the grove, coming in about 1.1 -1.2ohms. Haven't had any problems with hot legs or burn grommets and they just keep going. Also used .25, .28, .30, .32, .35, & the .37mm & no probs. IMO if you spend a bit time on your coil that its glowing from the inside out the legs don't get hot IWFM. Mate recons I've saved him & his OH around £200 in 5 month can't be bad. That was after teaching him how to thread the cotton throw LOL. Oh & he gave me a fiver the other week & 2 bottles of beer he got free from his work. Nice to be appreciated. Hope this is of some help.

Cheers Camy
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