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Recioling Evods Novas etc..

I think I'm happy with anything around 1.8/2.0 at the minute. What I really don't understand is all the high voltage stuff. What I mean is surely you can achieve the same power output with a lower ohm and voltage as you can with a higher ohm and voltage so is there a genuine benefit of running at higher voltages?

Using a higher ohmage usually means more winds per coil, which gives a larger surface area and when used with higher voltage gives, (in theory), a smoother vape. Also, using higher ohms/higher volts has a lower amp draw than using low ohms/lower voltage.

For example, running a 2 ohm coil at 4 volts produces 8 watts and pulls 2 amps. If you use a 3 ohm coil at 4.9 volts, you'll get just a touch over 8 watts but only be pulling 1.64 amps. Pulling less amps put less stress on your batteries.

Edited to add: link to an ohms law calculator : http://www.ohmslawcalculator.com/ohms_law_calculator.php
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So using lower ohm coils on ego batteries is simply out of necessity because you cant up the power enough to heat higher ohm coils?
So using lower ohm coils on ego batteries is simply out of necessity because you cant up the power enough to heat higher ohm coils?

Aye.. iirc the voltage on a standard ego is around 3.3 volts so if you stick a 3 ohm coil on there you're looking at around 3.6 watts. I usually like to vape around 8/9 watts so to get close to that on an ego I'm looking at a 1.5 - 1.8 ohm coil.
Ok so I'm using a 1.5ohm coil at 9watts which gives me nice flavour with the juice I'm using.. if I switch to a 2ohm coil at 9watts in theory I should get a better vape?
Ok so I'm using a 1.5ohm coil at 9watts which gives me nice flavour with the juice I'm using.. if I switch to a 2ohm coil at 9watts in theory I should get a better vape?

The theory is that a larger surface area gives a smoother vape, so in theory, yes. Be aware though, by using a higher ohmage you'll be using higher voltage.
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