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Recoiling evod


Nov 3, 2013
Just started recoil Evod with Nichrome 0.6 wire and Ekowool 1mm could drain the battery in one a split second the battery is a Kanger P1308 and ruin my bat. Many Thanks
hmmm that doesn't sound right. I think the P1308 you refer to is a Kanger Evod battery (1308 is Kanger's model number).

The Evod battery has short circuit protection built in and the LED will flash if detected. If you connect something else with a stock coil to it does it seem to work ok? If it does it sounds like your coil is shorting and needs to be redone.

Hope this helps
Just started recoil Evod with Nichrome 0.6 wire and Ekowool 1mm could drain the battery in one a split second the battery is a Kanger P1308 and ruin my bat. Many Thanks

Do you know the ohm value of your nichrome wire? (per metre or per inch)

Most vapers rebuild using nichrome 0.15, 0.17 & 0.20 etc, it could be that the coil is sub-ohm :)
The battery you are describing would not be able to fire :(

EDIT: Researched the ohm value of nichrome wire :D

I found some nichrome at 0.4 which was listed at 8.67 ohm per metre, this would mean you would need to use a full 20cm to get a 1.6ohm coil, this would not fit into a evod head :(

Nichrome at 0.6 will have an even lower ohm rating so will not be suitable for coiling evod heads for use on any ego battery :)
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Thanks for your reply Im trying run before I can recoil what sizs would you recommend Im looking for 1.6 coil Thanks again
@mozzer I used 0.20 Kanthal A1 for my first try at coiling - 4 or 5 wraps around 2mm silica (2x 1mm) gives around 1.6 ohm coil :)
I would recommend getting the wire sample pack and silica from @stealthvape
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