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Recommend an RBA tank?

coffin nail

Feb 19, 2016
Hi, im using the Reuleaux RX200 on a duel coil dripper,,,very happy with both.
Im a truck driver and its not really advisable to fill up on the move,,can anyone recommend a good high end tank? at least duel coil???

Thanks in advance

I have a Billow v2 nano and the Aromamizer, both are dual coil. I much prefer the Aromamizer, large airflow, big deck and easy to wick with vertical coils. I also like the fact that it's bottom fill, much simpler design than the tanks with spinning tops and adjustable juice flow control. Some people prefer the Griffin RTA over the Aromamizer but I haven't had a chance to compare the two.
I have a Billow v2 nano and the Aromamizer, both are dual coil. I much prefer the Aromamizer, large airflow, big deck and easy to wick with vertical coils. I also like the fact that it's bottom fill, much simpler design than the tanks with spinning tops and adjustable juice flow control. Some people prefer the Griffin RTA over the Aromamizer but I haven't had a chance to compare the two.
Thanks,, ill have a look
how not to mention the cthulhu v2?
I bought it recently, good deck, I got single deck and velocity deck, 5ml capacity, spare parts with 2 DT and 3 sets of orings.
waiting for their new atomizer, the hastur rdta :)
how not to mention the cthulhu v2?
I bought it recently, good deck, I got single deck and velocity deck, 5ml capacity, spare parts with 2 DT and 3 sets of orings.
waiting for their new atomizer, the hastur rdta :)

Ooh I came close to letting shinyitus get the better of me on the Cthulhu v2, I thought you could just switch from single coil to dual coil deck with a quick twist of the deck like replacing a stock coil, and that would have been perfect for me, as I get told off fogging up the place on my crius and aromamizer! But managed to talk myself out of it when I saw screwdrivers would be involved! I figured I have enough flavour chasing tanks, don't really need another one. But does sound good!
ok but you're talking of unscrew and screw back the pin (sorry don't know what is its name in English) it takes around 10 sec and a screw driver that probably you already have on the table for build your coil..
also it's top fill and has an afc that you can reduce till do some mtl hits.
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