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Recommend me a build


Apr 27, 2016
Would like to try out a cloud chasing build was thinking of trying out building a parallel coils or open for suggestions thanks.
Asmodus minikin can build down to 0.1 ohms (but would not like to go down to that)
Batteries- LGH2 18650 30A 3000Mah
RDA- mutation xv4
perhaps a dual clapton or dual twisted each at .5 giving you .25 (without knowing if and what you have built prior it's tricky to suggest a build to be honest)
perhaps a dual clapton or dual twisted each at .5 giving you .25 (without knowing if and what you have built prior it's tricky to suggest a build to be honest)
Decided to put some twisted in, I have 26 g twisted kanthel how many wraps do you recommend for decent clouds and flavour, also drill bit thanks
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