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recommend me a solid RTA

Big Cloud has a Kylin V2 now, i've seen it only once i think, he's usually out and about with either the Freemax or the Dead Rabiit, and i don't blame him, i personally prefer the vape on the Kylin but it's a real pain in the ass to build(comparatively with the rabbit).
Much the much, v1 vs v2, the rabbit is easier, but the v2 is a lovely vape(much more toward my vape preference than the rabbit) and is hands down better than the v1(but still has it's issues). Did you crack on with limesicle yet? (i could swear lee is putting crack in these juices, even when i like them less i still can't put them down).
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so i currently have a freemax mesh pro which is the dogs nutz but some of the e liquids i have are coil killers so am looking to get a RTA will look into all recomendations given kylin seems like a good bet
Id suggest either the Dead Rabbit or the Pyro v2. Neither leak, though I've flooded the deck on the Dead Rabbit, nothing leaked. The Pyro remains stubbornly juice tight. Both are about £24 and give great clouds. Flavour is great on both. But as I'm using different metals and coil types, in each. Its too subjective to call.
I’m really enjoying my wasp nano rta, though it’s single coil. Absolute flavour banger and dead cheap though.

Got a profile unity in the last couple of days and it’s really impressive. Mesh. Brilliant flavour, crazy smooth airflow. Nice dense vape. Vape is very much on the cool side though If you like a warm vape.

Wicks great with chain vaping, have had it leak, albeit when I accidentally left it on its side when if fell over when driving, not in normal use.
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