In hindsight the rabbit worked out ok didn't it mate(except the short drip tip), i prefer your Kylin V2(from the brief blasts i had on it), the rabbit definitely has the easier deck to work on(comparatively with the Kylin V2 anyway), but the airflow is certainly for people that have juice to vape away by the bottle load(i'm sure the same can be said for many sub-ohm RTA) or concerned with maximum cloud chuckage . It was a great way for me to find out how far off (or not actually) my rabbit clone is from an authentic(using simple round wire vs fancy claptons).
What do you reckon though bud, if you had to give up two tanks and only keep one, which would it be? (freemax, kylin or rabbit) ... (all things considered)..
Yeah but if you had to in a hypothetical scenario, to bring world peace or whatever, which one would you keep and which would you give up, given the pros and cons of each. I'm not saying any are bad tanks, i'm just curious what your choice would be if you could only keep one, endulge me and choose one...
Off-topic, found a tank that looks great for a middle ground MTL/DL, the new Fresia tank, but decided to grab another Siren 2 all the same(i know exactly what i'm getting with that, 19 squid delivered from China). On the dregs of my Dr Frost now(i could literally vape this stuff to the moon).... but still going(think there's maybe 10ml left).
I usually aim for 20-30W (lower is better for batteries), but where in that range will depend entirely on the coil, the last two builds in the Sirens were a SS316 28ga (0.8 ohm), a Kanthal (24ga 0.5ohm) and were running at 20-21W and 24W. Not vaping them right now though, burning through some old juice supplies in a Dead Rabbit clone(dual coiled running around 40W - 0.9ohm)with some rather gloopy juices) whilst i wait on my Primevape liquids to steep a bit longer.
Thanks, i'm aware of steam engine and use it as a tool when building my coils.
Looks like a loose MTL/restricted DL from that 20+ wattage?