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recommended clearomisers


Mar 4, 2014
which clearomisers would people recommend for innokin itaste mvp?
I haven't tried the iClear but I've got all the others and the Kanger ProTank Mini 2 is my favourite by far.
TBH everbody has their faves. My current tank is an aerotank as it seems to fit with the MVP "boxy" look and I like the adjustable airflow. They seem expensive at first, by myepack has them cheap at the moment. But there are plenty to try. I've got IClears, evods, miniprotanks, MT3s, vivi novas and all sorts of clones of the above.
It's very subjective, so you'll have almost as many recommendations as there are clearos. I have a few that I like, but I'm a +1 on the Protank Mini 2. Best vapour I've got from any of the Kangers (and I've tried a few). It's glass, so will take any juice you throw at it, and can even replace the glass sleeve if you break it. Also coils are dead easy to get, cheap and will also fit loads of other Kanger tanks for when you add to the collection.

I'm quite liking the iclear X.1 as well
Currently using both Protank 2 & Kanger T3S Mini, depending on which flavour I'm vaping..... Protank 2 doesn't leak as much onto the battery, but the T3S IMO has a better taste
I had a strange problem with mine last night, the itaste refused to switch on, just a green light coming on briefly. changed the clearomiser to a new one this morning and it works fine. both tanks are iclear 16. if i swop them over it still refuses to work with one. anyone suggest a reason for this?
both tanks are iclear 16. if i swop them over it still refuses to work with one. anyone suggest a reason for this?

You probably need to replace the head, you can get 5 for £1.40 each from myepack
do they usually go so quick, only been using it for 4 days
do they usually go so quick, only been using it for 4 days

Depending on use/liquid etc they can last days up until weeks. Always have a good supply of coils. Another bonus of the Kanger Mini Protank V2 everyone is recommending is you can rebuild these with some kanthal wire and cotton wool for a dam right amazing vape. YouTube is full of tutorials on how to do this and it will save you a lot of money also. Deffo a good clearo, I have 3.
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