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Recommended concentrate brand?


Sep 18, 2015
Hi everyone, i know this has most likely been asked a thousand times already but, could anyone recommend a brand of concentrates to try for mixing, i have made a few batches now using vampire vape concentrates and i like them but i want to branch out a bit. Been thinking of trying cappella or perfumers apprentice.

so could any of you recommend some of your favorite brands?

Cheers :D
Everyone has their favourites, but as you're still experimenting I'd go for something cheap till you know what you really want.

Vapable has good prices on PA, Chef's Vapour's own brands are good value and The Ecig Shop has 30ml bottles of Capella at a good price.

The best value of all is Cupcake World, I haven't tried many of their range, but the one's I've tried are excellent - Custard, Coconut, Orange, Butter, Plum.
Thanks i will have a look into them! :)

One last quick question have anyone of you had a slight peppery taste to your mixes ive had a batch steeping in a dark cupboard at room temp for a little over a week the flavors there but, i get a weird feeling in my mouth and a pepper taste. the mixes are all 20% flavour, 6mg nic and 70vg/30pg.
ive not long started making my own liquid and have found the flavourart blended concentrates quite handy.
flavour west is worth a look at jungle juice, beetle juice i get mine from vapable
FlavourArt is my go to brand - These flavours are strong and you tend to mix at about 3% rather than Capella's 15%!

Vapable is my now go to vendor.
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