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Recommended power


New Member
Jul 12, 2024
Hi, I'm new to this forum. There are a few things that have been bugging me so I thought I'd seek answers here. I'm well aware that it's fine to vape at lower than the manufacturer's recommended wattage for a coil. That's not why I'm asking this. What bugs me is that when I calculate the wattage for a coil, using the formula for calculating power, the wattage is less than recommended by the manufacturer. For example, the 0.4 ohm coil on my geekvape l200 is recommended 50-60W but I calculate 3.7²/0.4= 34 W. On my smok nord 2, a 1.4 ohm coil is recommended 12W but I calculate 3.7²/1.4= 9.78. When I use either vape the voltage does read about 3.7; sometimes very slightly lower. So why are the recommended W's higher than the calculations infer that they should be? Am I missing something? Being cynical, I sometimes wonder if the manufacturers suggest higher so that you go through coils quicker. That's probably just me though. However, I'm not too knowledgeable about electrical stuff. An explanation would be much appreciated, if anyone has one. Thanks.
The mods you are using are regulated mods. The chipset manages the power delivery. As far as manufacturers recommended wattage, I agree they're always too high, certainly for me.
The mods you are using are regulated mods. The chipset manages the power delivery. As far as manufacturers recommended wattage, I agree they're always too high, certainly for me.
Thanks for responding. It's good to know that someone agrees. I thought I was missing something.
I understand now. Doh. It adjusts the voltage to match the resistance that will give your preferred wattage. Lol, I'm a bit slow sometimes.
Your calculated wattage will always be different from the actual wattage because of voltage and coil resistance variations together with the losses in the mod itself. As @hack400 has mentioned, I also find the wattage specified by the manufactures too high.
Hi @Bommy and welcome to the planet.

You only need to worry about the calculations you have done if you are using an unprotected mech mod so have to take into account ohms law. as said, regulated mods work it all out for you so its a simple plug and play and all you have to worry about is the wattage setting.
agree though, the recommended wattage range is just a guide and even though i use 0.15ohm coils 70-90w im happy vaping at 35-50w which in the long run will prolong the life of your coil slightly.

wish more were like you as we had a chap on a few months back who wanted a 4 battery mod and wanted to vape at 200watt. no matter what we suggested he was addament thats what he wanted. hes not been back since :)
Thank you. The assumption that I had made was that the voltage should be that of the battery and that you could change the wattage to account for the different coils. I didn't pay proper attention to the fact that the vape alters the voltage to give the desired wattage. That being said, the smok gives the same voltage through a range of wattages; at least 8-15w. I find that odd because the reading is only accurate at 8w . As the wattage goes higher and the voltage reads the same, the reading becomes more inaccurate. The geekvape doesn't do that. Again, thanks for explaining things. It's one less thing to obsess over.
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