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- Apr 8, 2017
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My first venture into squonking was the dripbox 160 and I really like it.. although it is quite hefty, so unless you have huge pockets, it isn't the most portable mod!
My first venture into squonking was the dripbox 160 and I really like it.. although it is quite hefty, so unless you have huge pockets, it isn't the most portable mod!
Yeah your right "it's a bit hefty"
Looking for my first venture into squanking fora couple of months now.
I already have a standard Kbox 160, and a couple of kanger tanks that take stock coils.
So first thought was the dripbox 160, but its to big for my purposes.
The today I saw the dripbox 60.
Ideal for me, single 18650.
Twin coils, already wicked, and a spare.
About the right size to fit in the leather holster that vapesmarter made for me ;-))
Coils ideal for me, can put your own coils in, or re wick the pre made coils.
Thing that appealed to me most (getting old, and shaky hands) you can just change the coil for another pre made, pre wicked one at the same cost as a standard kanger tank coil, heaven, on the verge of ordering but, did not............
atched a video review, and the guy reckons that whilst a regulated mod, it's wattage is fixed at 60 watts, non adjustable.
Gutted !!!!!
Whats the use in a fixed wattage, I might prefer it at a lower wattage !
It was congratulated that you could fit different resistance coils of your own, whats the bloody point in that if you cant adjust the wattage ????????????
Bloody gutted, back to searching the interweb again..........
The dripbox 2 maybe of interest to you? I do not own one so cannot make a comment about how good/bad it is/isnt - however it has variable wattage (upto 80w), seems similar in size to the original dripbox and being sold on fasttech for about $40 or I believe another ape posted the link to a UK seller earlier in the thread? Worth having a look at some reviews / videos? (I have tempted myself into having a look now!)
Hmmm, I could be wrong.. but from what I understand is the original dripbox is semi-regulated; in that it has a maximum wattage of 60w, but unregulated in that your coil build directly affects how much of the 60w you get. (disclaimer - i am not experienced in unregulated devices, so this is only my understanding, please someone correct me if I am way off)Hi mate,
I would appreciate it if you could have a look.
The video review I watched said it was fixed at 60watt, I would love it if you could confirm that it is variable wattage.
Just been paid, so cant wait, need to order something soon ;-)
Hmmm, I could be wrong.. but from what I understand is the original dripbox is semi-regulated; in that it has a maximum wattage of 60w, but unregulated in that your coil build directly affects how much of the 60w you get. (disclaimer - i am not experienced in unregulated devices, so this is only my understanding, please someone correct me if I am way off)
The dripbox 2 is the newer model, which has variable wattage between 5-80w - check out this link - https://www.provapes.co.uk/products/kanger-drip-box-2-kit-black?variant=33006475011 - the description suggests the variable wattage also.
I will do a bit of research a bit later (in the office now) because I am very interested in a regulated VW squonker - hopefully some more advise will come our way!
Nice one, let me know how the wasp is as that is next on my to buy list!Ordered
Went for the Inbox in the end, it just hits the right balance of price and pocket-ability! Oumier wasp has also been ordered to sit on top
Thanks for all the help!!