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reviewing products

= Fifty knicker or a box of G-Privs.

Time is money son, time is money...

so as the title states im looking to review products but not sure where id put these in the forums? new to this site although ive been on it through googling multiple times ive never actually posted or even joined the site

one thing that has always bugged me about reviewers is its a first look and rarely much else (granted when they have so many items to review its hard to spend alot of time with one)
im wanting to do reviews for things ive used alot and for weeks at a time.
now i know this looks like another ''send me free products'' but its not i actually want to help people choosing products as wev all had bad experiences after seeing a youtube video of them saying how great it is when they are being paid by certain companies.....

What qualifies you to review products? Why should we put any stock in what you say over the next man? Why would we put our confidence in your opinion?
What qualifies you to review products? Why should we put any stock in what you say over the next man? Why would we put our confidence in your opinion?

Probably a 7/10. Straight to the point, no arseing about, but because of that lacking a bit in detailed analysis.
I doubt he’ll catch on. He doesn’t have a face most people would trust, I don’t think.

He needs to do something about those curtains as well.
At the end of the day, I couldn’t care if you get the stuff for free or what you have to say about it. It might sound rude (not intentional) but I’ve got to pay for my version of whatever it is so the decision to purchase or move along is mine and mine alone.

Add to that the fact we all vape differently and a review is almost pointless beyond ‘does it look good and will the menu system drive me up the wall?’

All of my duel coil RDAs are set up with single coils. I’m practically a heathen. Who in their right mind is going to review a duel coil RDA in that setup?
I need reviews/opinions for things I'm interested in getting, then need them again to help me use whatever they helped me decide to buy :D
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