As above, but it does become a tad frustrating when people moan about reviewers getting free stuff. It isn't free a review takes hours to do both the write up and the time spent getting to know the device, plus as mentioned by
@eyeball kid , some of the items get given away to family or friends etc which means the reviewer has gained nout.
Yes some reviewers big up everything which i agree is wrong so watch, read a few reviews on whatever the item is. That way you can decipher the pro's and cons. But the whole moaning thing is another incidence of folks poking noses into others business and everyone will i think agree that no one wants other folks moaning about them, no matter what it is to do with. It can also be perceived as jealousy. There is a solution which is don't read or watch reviews.
The only thing that i don't like with some reviewers and it is the youtube reviewers is those who also get payed for reviewing now to me this is why they do the glowing reviews.