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Aug 2, 2013
ive tried rewicking its easy. the problem i`m having is it tastes awful.

ive got 0.20 kanthal from wires.co.uk ive tried flaming it, wiping, it has a funny smell to it.
the wick was from steatlhvapes 2mm silica tried flaming that too with that added to the kanthal it just tastes so weird even tried cotton wool just as bad.
seen so many vids... no idea how everyone else enjoys it so much when i do it, it taste so bad.
tried rewicking an octopus rba, evod, protank mini 2 v2. i test the ohms on my itaste v3
What do they come out as? sounds like it could be a lil bit low and you could be "burning" the wick, also, make sure the wire has good contact with the wick so it heats the juice not just the wire, do not have the wire really tight on the wick as this will stop the liquid from getting to the wire to vapourise, you want good contact that isnt too tight.
sorry no pic its depends on how many wraps i do can go from 4-1.8, 5-2.5 tried micro coiling tried tight, loose, double wrap.
building the coil first testing ohms, burning it glows red smells weird, add silica urgh :( .
maybe just buy the heads :)
Do not give up on it straight away doug1512 Yes it might taste a bit odd or bland to start with, but once you let a slight build up of burnt liquid on the coil and wick happen, then the flavour should start to come through nicely again.
Heating just the wire till it glows should smell a little weird, but only for a few seconds, keep in mind that an empty coil can get very hot very quickly, so make sure you arnt burning anything inside your mod, dry burning silica does smell horrible, so , dont do it too much :P
Here's one of mine
thanks for that pic and the replys just tried another rewick on octo ... nah still tastes weird i`ll buy the heads for the protank, just thought i was buying the stuff from the wrong places.... cheers for the help.
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