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RMS and mean

I suppose part 2 of that question then is what is the real effect of going between voltage and power ? As I said, I've used it on power for 3.4v, although occasionally I'll try it on watts and always it tastes like I'm burning the juice. Is that just a personal taste thing or am I setting it too high (although I only run it at 7watts)

3.4V with a 1.8ohm head gives you 6.42W, which could be why it's tasting burnt when you switch over to 7w in variable wattage mode. There's a quick-reference voltage/resistance chart in the vaping wiki that you might find useful, under the "Variable Wattage" section.
Just tried it again at 6w and (obviously to me now!) that has solved the problem. Is using power mode generally considered the way forward?
Power mode is what most folks use as it adjusts automatically to different coil resistances. In Voltage mode if you switch atomisers and one has a 1.8 coil and the other has a 2.2 then you will have to adjust the voltage every time you swap. in power mode once you've selected the power level it will adjust itself to maintain that wattage when you switch atomisers...
A hyper tank (currently with pro tank heads). Has the same effect when using a vivi nova, c5 or regular pro tank though.

Odd, I vape at anything up to 11w on my PT2, Or Evod, Or Aspire and I've been up to 15 on the Kayfun without burning the juice but i usually use 8.8 and can run all day at that level with no problems, even my little 306 drippers will handle 8.6 as long as they're wet...
Depends on juice/coil setup, my protank 3 (dual coil) will happily spit and burn juices at 7w whilst my kayfun will run happily up to 12w on the same juice and give a nice vape. Literally it's suck it and see!! Start low and build up to find the sweet spot.
I use watts all the time now just easier to remember the watts/tank/juice combo rather than faffing with Vrms or Vpeak or Vmean.
I am an electrical engineer and vape to relax......
Of course if your device is VV then it's a different story......
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If your juices are burning at lower watts settings it's cos of wicking problems. Not enough e-liquid gets to the coil and it overheats and burns it. On something like a PT3 that uses a stacked configuration for both coils this can wind up being more of an issue.

If you're using a top coiled clearo like an iClear you need to tilt it between vapes to saturate the wicks, if you're using a bottom coil device like a ProTank/Evod and this happens your airflow isn't quite right and tightening the draw will help a bit here.

Also if you vape at a higher power setting you're also 'pre-warming' the juice in the tank a bit more than you do at lower power settings, which has the bonus side effect of thinning it out and making it wick better.

RMS is a different way of working out what voltage to send to the coil. It's much much more accurate than 'Mean' So much so that you should never actually use Mean and I'm not sure why they give you the option to change it.
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