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royal mail and posting second hand mods

Am I the only one who feckin well hates the invasion of privacy? I just lie to them on principal now. It's everywhere. In the bank 'What's your pin number? What's your address? '' etc and you just give out the info in front of every Tom Dick & Mugger listening in. I recently withdrew £1500 and she counted out every note twice in a loud voice before asking if I wanted an envelope. I said I want a feckin body guard to get me out of town. At the GP the receptionist is like 'What's wrong with you?'' I just feel like gobbing in their eye saying 'None of yer damn business'.

I loathe it. There's doctor patient confidentiality and yet you want me to tell this random stranger what's up. No thanks! It's my dick, it's always my dick. I have a dick problem, it's behaving erratically. I have an erection compass, It swings to the west when there's a rainbow and the east during a thunderstorm. The doctor is going to ask me again anyway so no time is being saved at all. How about the doctor makes a note of people who waste their time more than once and you just ask those people the reason. I'm always in and out rapidly. Pharmacists asking to confirm my address. Do I want everyone in here to know exactly where I live? I'd rather you ask me to show ID! Whenever the post office ask, it's always, always "a mechanical device". I have yet to be asked what kind of mechanical device but I have a very long winded explanation ready.
Thing is, it's allowed to post these things.

Once past the person on the desk you can't get in trouble for posting mods etc.

I don't believe they actually record what you tell them anywhere (but intentionally misleading contents declaration is apparently not the done thing).

I think part of the problem is the mass media coverage of "shock exploding vape pen madness killers of firedeath" - the sort of thing where Chardonnay from some shithole states "I had my vape in my pocket and it snapped when I sat on it and got really hot and burnt my bum, thank god it didn't happen while little Dolce was using it as a dummy. I'm going back to fags cuz they don't burn me"...
Thing is, it's allowed to post these things.

Once past the person on the desk you can't get in trouble for posting mods etc.

I don't believe they actually record what you tell them anywhere (but intentionally misleading contents declaration is apparently not the done thing).
Yup, that's why I tell the truth about whichever various parts of a vaporising heater unit I'm sending. :)
And you're exactly the type of customer I couldn't be fucked with when I worked in a bank. Don't want to answer any security questions but demanding you should have your money because its yours :D

Maybe you should learn to comprehend the written language then. I didn't say I didn't want to answer security questions. I was expressing disgust at having to disclose that information in what is effectively a public place, with no privacy whatsoever, where everyone in the line behind me can hear my business.
Maybe you should learn to comprehend the written language then. I didn't say I didn't want to answer security questions. I was expressing disgust at having to disclose that information in what is effectively a public place, with no privacy whatsoever, where everyone in the line behind me can hear my business.

Maybe I should but I can't really be arsed to argue over semantics.

Next time the little heckles on the back of your neck start to rise at the thought of having to disclose private information in a public bank space, just ask politely to go to a private space. The bank will be happy to oblige.
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