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Satisfying MTL juice combos?

It happens - it is a bit of an essay!!! lol

Taking this vaping thing proper seriously now, in an effort to build up a satisfying collection and not go back to the cancer sticks. Been on annual leave from work for the last two weeks as well, so had lots of time to research products and put in all those online orders. :D Costing me a fortune at the moment, but I'm hoping that once I've 'cracked' it and built the ultimate collection and found all the best juices, I'll only need to spend 'maintenance' money all liquid and coils. I was starting to feel a bit silly, literally chucking money down the drain on rubbish liquids that are now gathering dust, but it's all for the greater cause I guess!!! haha!
Welcome down the rabbit hole :D We all think like that at first.. but I'm only 2 months in so it could still wear off I guess :D
It's usually 2-3 weeks for me, I never really pay any attention, sorry.

The tank is the SXK Doggystyle.

We help a lot of people spend their money on stuff they don't really need in the MTL section of the forum ;)
It's usually 2-3 weeks for me, I never really pay any attention, sorry.

The tank is the SXK Doggystyle.

We help a lot of people spend their money on stuff they don't really need in the MTL section of the forum ;)
Yea.. and the rest of the forum :D
It's usually 2-3 weeks for me, I never really pay any attention, sorry.

The tank is the SXK Doggystyle.

We help a lot of people spend their money on stuff they don't really need in the MTL section of the forum ;)

Haha you sound far more patient than me then! When I see something, I want it instantly #nextday

I shall make my way over to the MTL section in due course then :D
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