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Review Scissors

I’m not judging your choice, though. We know the cotton debate isn’t entirely serious. Obviously you are free to do what ever you like. But I think you did say something in another thread that did imply there is an illogical or irrational element to your cotton obsession. I might be mistaken it could have been someone else.

No, you're absolutely right, but it's just part of the overall vaping Shinyitus, partly fuelled by a desire to always have the best I can afford.

I'm now looking at scales that weigh to 0.000.
See, there is a debate waiting to happen about this as well. Some people obsess way too much about measuring concentrates to the smallest degree. It’s not about that, it’s about understanding flavours and combinations and how they work. I’ve been mixing with just drips recently.

Unless it’s wick bag material you’re planning to weigh to 0.000 :D
I'm like you, I guess a lot. That looks about 2/3rd full, that'll do.

I could get by with 1 decimal place, but I dripped some VG on my scales and it got into the screen and I'm just waiting for it to pack up, so I'm looking at alternatives, and it obviously has to be an upgrade.:D
Now you're getting it! If anyone touches my vaping scissors there's hell to pay.
Totally agree. Anyone touch the 17 individual pairs of special scissors I've got then they are toast.
I have this bit of dried cotton plant that was in a bunch of flowers somebody sent us once. I can send you some and see how you get on with it @Ment !

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