I have no doubt that secondhand vape is less harmful than tobacco smoke but the problem is that it's loads more visible. Since I started vaping my OH keeps doing his nut about the amount of cloud in the house (unfortunately he says he doesn't like the smell either) and tbh if I forget myself and chain vape indoors then the cloud is obnoxiously visible and not confined to the room I'm in either. Ironically I feel obliged go outside to chainvape but never felt a similar obligation when I smoked rollies. Dunno about the law and vaping in cars etc but I know that I would never vape in a car - I can fill a room with vapeclouds in minutes so doing it in a car would be crazy. There's a sign on the door of my local pharmacy that claims that 80% of cigarette smoke is invisible, I guess vapour is more visible precisely because it's vapour not smoke and water molecules are larger than the combusted chemical molecules which make up tobacco smoke. Sadly ciggy smoke is most probably 80% or more harmful then vapour...yet I end up outdoors to vape when previously I could smoke stinkies all day indoors without a word said
I guess I'll have to find something pretty cloudless to vape on when winter comes around