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Secondhand vape an irritant?


Mar 20, 2020
I’m not new to vaping, but I have come across an issue that I haven’t experienced before. My current girlfriend says me vaping in the house is making her cough and irritating her throat. I of course have googled it but we already know what’s going to come up in those searches, so I wanted to see if anyone could give me their experience. Thank you.
Yes, it's a thing, my wife hates DTL in the house and certain flavours catch her throat. I just MTL other flavours that don't offend her, no problems. Talking about it without being defensive is the key.
Thanks for the advice. It hasn’t been a point of contention, but the way she brought it up was a little rash, so I thought I’d investigate. I also MTL only in the house but it’s still seems to bother her.
My wife says it does, more noticeable (to me at least) in the car and to be fair it would appear to effect her.
Funny you bring up the car. It never seems to have bothered her there lol. I’ll have to keep tabs on that now.
Funny you bring up the car. It never seems to have bothered her there lol. I’ll have to keep tabs on that now.

It's really the only time she is subjected to it for any length of time..... a passing cough or two other than in the car if Im careless aboot the hoose
my wife had some kind of respiratory problems for a while and it bothered her then. some flavours more than others.
I can only vape one particular e-liquid inside our home, otherwise my wife goes ape shit and even then i can only really vape in one room. she has allergies to many smells, chemicals, food. I would hazard a guess that my wife became desensitised to the smell of my vanilla custard, whereas with other liquids/ flavour profiles she picks up on it straightaway, even one puff will set her off. Maybe you can find one particular liquid that your GF can adjust to and get used to.

With regard to clouds/ vapour lots of people automatically start coughing when they see it, almost like a put me down, telling off. An irritated throat could be the sensitised/ desensitised thing, it might also mean that you might have to not vape indoors or only vape in one room, with the door shut. Personally I don't like the smell of other people vaping fruit liquids/ fruit flavour profiles, they smell proper rank to me.
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