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Self build

Yeah, a mosfet looks more fiddly then it is. I had no problems wiring a mosfet, but the 15a fuses were a nightmare!

It was a long time ago now that I built a mod, maybe @Seedy can lend some expertise? [emoji51][emoji848]
As for schematics, I think it's the same as this, just minus of of the fuses.
ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes Forum1466239858.554889.jpg

(Pic borrowed from Ric's modmaker site.)
If you ordered from stealthvape or modmaker, and want a resistor (or pack of) added to the order, I'm sure they'll add it for you. [emoji108]
How does one go about knowing which parts to buy? Like the resistors or dna boards? Is there a site that teaches you how things work? I want to build my first squonk mod for kicks an giggles and see where it goes from there.
How does one go about knowing which parts to buy? Like the resistors or dna boards? Is there a site that teaches you how things work? I want to build my first squonk mod for kicks an giggles and see where it goes from there.
Check out Modmaker.co.uk
Right, we're back on track, Mosfet and resistors turned up this morning, just another 6 hours til I get home and I can get back on it.
A bit of an interesting development after soldering the thing together yesterday (I hate soldering!).
It seems that my momentary switch isn't momentary! Once I put a battery in, the mod'll sit quite happily doing nothing until I fire it, and then it won't stop firing.
I've checked for shorts, but before I get the multimeter out and start pulling it to bits looking for the problem, can anybody shed a bit of light?

One thing, I forgot to put the resistor across the mosfet when I first built it, and soldered it in afterwards. Things were a bit cramped by this stage and it's probably not the greatest job ever, but could this be causing the issue? Not very clued up on electronics I'm afraid :)
And it's done.....took more fecking about than it should but it's done. On to a dual batt PWM next :)
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