I think it's a combination of things. But one thing I didn't feel was comfortable. Maybe it was because everyone was high strung after the prior week and the excitement behind the reopening. Whatever it is, I wasn't comfortable. I dont particularly believe it has anything to do with who is in charge, I only know 3 of the mods names anyways, so I can't judge the way the things being ran. I think it lays more so with the way people are speaking to one another. Very disappointing to see someone ask a valid question and then to have 2 pages of irrelevant answers and being "bullied" into agreeing with their POV. It wasn't like that 6 months ago when I first got there or maybe it was and I just didn't see it. Who knows.
At the end of the day, when the computers get shut off, we're all human beings with real lives to deal with. We share one major thing in common and that is vaping. Along the way we find people we like and we don't like. It's ultimately up to us how we handle each situation. Sometimes (I am a prime example) poor judgement gets the best of ya. After you take responsibility for your own actions, all you can do is try to make amends and move on.
I hope things normalize, not get "back to normal" but both PoTV and UKV find the normalization that makes people comfortable to be here or there.